The Art of Authenticity

The Art of Authenticity


There is nothing more valuable than authenticity. Art collectors value authentic art. Foodies value authentic cuisine. Tourists value authentic locales. People value authentic people.

There is nothing more valuable than authenticity. 


We search for what is authentic because that is what has the most value. Authenticity builds trust, connection, appreciation and respect. Therefore, whether it is art or a life partner, it seems that authenticity is what comes to the forefront.

The Art of Authenticity


However, we may not always want to show our authentic selves. A synonym for authentic is real. And real-well it is as real as it gets. The good, bad, quirks, idiosyncrasies, faults, worries, battles…it covers it all. So why is this most valued?

Authenticity is of value because it shows that you have the ability to be vulnerable. And vulnerability is what builds connection. And connection is what life is about.


The Art of Authenticity


We may think it is easier to put on our armour and hold up our shield. But does this really protect us? Rather, protection can be gained by letting someone in and protecting each other. A bond built on trust, connection, appreciation and respect (the same traits of authenticity) is the greatest protection of all.



Let down your shield and let others in. You will show your authentic self. There is no greater value than this.

The Art of Authenticity

“A bond built on trust, connection, appreciation and respect.”



HCM Lifestyle Encourages Vulnerability

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Let’s all be protectors of one another.

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By: HCM Lifestyle’s Madison Colberg

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